Your Bank differently
- Financing individuals and businesses, in particular SMEs/SMIs
- Improve the quality of life of customers through service offers that meet your expectations
- Provide business development opportunities
- Provide reasons for total satisfaction
- Offer a range of innovative products and services
- To be the bank of reference in Africa
- Achieving high-performance results over time with a steady pace of growth
- Become the best performing and most accessible bank in Africa through good country coverage
- Financing individuals and businesses, in particular SMEs/SMIs
- Improve the quality of life of customers through service offers that meet your expectations
- Provide business development opportunities
- Provide reasons for total satisfaction
- Offer a range of innovative products and services
- To be the bank of reference in Africa
- Achieving high-performance results over time with a steady pace of growth
- Become the best performing and most accessible bank in Africa through good country coverage
Beyond the banker’s code of ethics, which imposes certain duties, the values of CBI-GN are both a state of mind, a culture and a way of being that drive staff and govern behavior.
Five values guide the actions in the implementation of the company project:
The basis of any relationship, it designates the management and governance model of Coris Bank International, which strives to communicate with all staff and all partners in a climate of trust.
Because at Coris Bank International we do banking differently, we go beyond customer expectations with constant innovation.
It is the duty to answer for a fact, it is to guarantee our actions, our values, our commitments.
It is honesty and adherence to the rules of conduct of the bank that promote relationships based on trust.
We form a family in which the good relations maintained by the members and their involvement are necessary to satisfy our customers and more generally all the stakeholders and achieve excellence.
The basis of any relationship, it designates the management and governance model of Coris Bank International, which strives to communicate with all staff and all partners in a climate of trust.
Because at Coris Bank International we do banking differently, we go beyond customer expectations with constant innovation.
It is the duty to answer for a fact, it is to guarantee our actions, our values, our commitments.
It is honesty and adherence to the rules of conduct of the bank that promote relationships based on trust.
We form a family in which the good relations maintained by the members and their involvement are necessary to satisfy our customers and more generally all the stakeholders and achieve excellence.
- 80% of the shares are held by the HOLDING;
- 20% of the shares are held by CBI CÔTE D’IVOIRE.
Beyond the banker’s code of ethics, which imposes certain duties, CBI’s values are both a state of mind, a culture and a way of being that drive staff and govern behavior.
Five values guide the actions in the implementation of the company project:
The basis of any relationship, it designates the management and governance model of Coris Bank International, which strives to communicate with all staff and all partners in a climate of trust.
Because at Coris Bank International we do banking differently, we go beyond customer expectations with constant innovation.
It is the duty to answer for a fact, it is to guarantee our actions, our values, our commitments.
It is honesty and adherence to the rules of conduct of the bank that promote relationships based on trust.
We form a family in which the good relations maintained by the members and their involvement are necessary to satisfy our customers and more generally all the stakeholders and achieve excellence.
- 80% of the shares are held by the HOLDING;
- 20% of the shares are held by CBI CÔTE D’IVOIRE.
- President's word
Chers Internautes,
Le développement de l’activité commerciale de la Guinée entraîne un perpétuel besoin de renouveau et d’adaptation des institutions bancaires. C’est dans cette optique que CORIS BANK INTERNATIONAL a été créée pour s’adapter à vos besoins. Depuis sa création en janvier 2008, CBI-GN en plus du financement des particuliers s’est donnée pour mission le développement des PME /PMI et l’accompagnement des porteurs de projets.
Dans un objectif de positionnement et de rentabilité, CBI-GN offre à sa clientèle des solutions adaptées à leurs besoins. Fort de ses potentialités et du dynamisme de son personnel, CBI-GN entend réaliser ses objectifs par l’implantation de ses agences dans les 4 régions naturelles du pays et une conquête du marché sous régional, tout en s’appuyant sur sa capacité à offrir à sa clientèle des produits et services innovants.
Les progrès techniques réalisés ces dernières années sur le plan de la communication et des moyens de paiement n’ont pu laisser CBI-GN indifférent car de nouveaux services dont les chantiers pour leurs réalisations sont très avancés vous seront proposés.
Chers Internautes, ce site vous permettra de vous mettre en rapport avec CBI partout à travers le monde et vous faciliter l’accès à un certain nombre de services. Je vous souhaite d’agréables moments de navigation et espère vous accueillir le plus souvent possible.
Coris Bank International, la Banque autrement…